I wanted to share my journey nursing my daughter for 20 amazing months. Before I get started I want to say I know breastfeeding isn’t for everyone and some have a harder time with it than others. At the end of the day all that matters is baby and mom are happy and healthy. I was bottle fed and I turned out just fine. At least I think I did lol!
A little back story on my breastfeeding history with my other 2 kids. I have been blessed to have always had an easier time with nursing. My children always latched on right away and I never had a problem producing milk. I know some aren’t as lucky. The one piece of advice I can offer is don’t give up! Once you hit the 6 week mark it should get easier. If you struggle with milk supply try your best to nurse on demand. I have found from my experience nursing on demand is the KEY to things working out. Don’t worry about schedules and how often you should nurse. When the baby is showing signs that he or she wants to nurse do it and everything will fall into place. Some cues are smacking lips, eating his/her fists, rooting.. If the baby falls asleep at the breast before emptying try and undress them to wake them. If that doesn’t work let them sleep and eventually they will wake to nurse again. The early days are exhausting and it feels like all you do is nurse. These days will quickly end and it will all be worth it. I promise!
Hudson- I nursed for 6 months. I went back to work and pumped for 2 more months, so he could take a bottle of breast milk while at daycare. I found pumping to be overwhelming and stopped. He then had Earth’s best formula around 8 months until he went straight to milk at 1 year.
Everett- I became a stay-at-home mom so, I exclusively nursed him for a year. He never took a bottle and I was fine with that. Besides a few clogged milk ducts our nursing journey was wonderful. On the night of his 1st birthday I decided to end the relationship. I rocked and cuddled him then offered him his pacifier and placed him in his crib. I was sad the journey was over but happy to get back to myself. He asked to nurse a few times after I weaned and I would try my best to distract him or simply just hold him.
Winter- We nursed for 20 months and I still cannot believe we went that long! I always envisioned exclusively nursing her for a year and then weaning her. I was home with her and never felt the need to offer a bottle. I hate to pump and found it easier to just pop her on the boob when she was hungry or needed extra comfort. Our nursing relationship was always when she wanted it and I was ok with that. When a year hit I didn’t feel ready to wean her. It may be because she is my 3rd baby and probably my last. I didn’t want it to end and either did she. I kept saying one more month and then I would wean. I was busy over the summer with the boys off from school and I just found it easier to nurse.
When Winter was around 16 months old we were down to about 4 nursing sessions a day. (Morning, before her nap, after her nap, and before bedtime). I eventually cut the session after her nap. I would offer her water and a snack. At 18 months I cut out all day time nursing sessions. I would make sure to snuggle her up if she seemed like she needed it. I then ended the AM session shortly after. If she asked for it I would distract her and offer her breakfast or her blanket. The last session I held on to was before bed. It was a special bonding time for the both of us. I found it peaceful and relaxing to connect with her as she drifted off to sleep.
One fall day I remember I looked at Winter and saw a little girl and not a baby. (Tears) Shortly after, I decided we would no longer nurse before bed. We laid in her bed talked about our day and sang a few songs while she held her blanket. When she wanted to nurse I told her “No all done mommy has a boo boo”. She seemed concerned and then whined a bit. I settled her into bed and she eventually fell asleep. The next night when she asked to nurse and I said all done she got very very upset. In fact she had a full blown tantrum. It broke my heart she kicked and screamed for it. I almost gave in but thought that won’t be good for either one of us. She eventually calmed down and I snuggled her and made sure she felt loved. She asked a few more times that week and would cry a little. She then caught on fast and was over it!
I was sore and engorged for about 1 week. I pumped a tiny bit 3x to relieve some pressure. I think around day 10 I dried up. For about 6 weeks after I felt unbalanced emotionally. I was a little depressed and happy to have my body back for myself all at the same time. I now feel back to myself as I write this post about 3.5 months later.
Nursing is such a special bond built on tears of frustration in the beginning. If you don’t give up it is worth it. I look back on time spent nursing and it warms my heart. My little girl is almost 2 now and she is so busy and independent. My boys are 7 and 6. I will forever cherish my time spent nursing them all. I am proud of my dedication and what my body is capable of!